Pet Sitting Waiver Form

  • All references to Camp Kelly include: Director/Kelly, and any and all agents, associates, assistants.

  • I understand and agree that I am solely responsible for any harm caused by my dog(s) to your home or mine while they are in Camp Kelly’s care. I assume all related risks, known or unknown.

  • It is my representation that my dog(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any other dog. I also represent that any behavioral issues have been shared with Camp Kelly.

  • While my dog(s) is/are in the care and custody of Camp Kelly, if I am unreachable in the event of an emergency, I hereby authorize Camp Kelly to seek immediate veterinary care. I furthermore agree to be financially responsible for any and all costs in connection with such treatment.

  • I hereby agree to save, release and hold harmless, Camp Kelly, from any and all negligence, liability, claims, actions, suits, loss, injury or damage sustained during my dog’s/dogs’ care. I specifically and without limitation, agree to fully indemnify Camp Kelly for any and all such liability, claims, suits, actions, losses, injuries or damage.

  • I certify that I have read, understand and agree to the above in this agreement.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Dog Name(s):
Dog Owner's Name:(Required)
You will receive an emailed copy of your signed Waiver.
Clear Signature

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